260 Reading Assignment: Web 2.0 and the Libraries

Library 2.0, Meet the 'Web Squared' World / Terence K. Huwe

Huwe, T.. (2011, April). Library 2.0, Meet the 'Web Squared' World. Computers in Libraries, 31(3), 24-26.  Retrieved July 8, 2011, from ProQuest Computing. (Document ID: 2318846781).

The article described how libraries can cope up with the emergence of web squared technology. Web squared means "Web meets World". Web 2.0 started in a phase that it is obviously virtual.  Today, Web 2.0 merges the virtual world with the real world.  Tweeter, Facebook, cellular phones, GPS are examples of web squared technologies (adding more depth and context - more than a two-dimensional perspective). With the connection of virtual and real world, data are becoming more ubiquitous causing some users to be confused and in doubt.

Two important questions were raised by Huwe: how can the librarians become leaders in establishing trust in the web-squared world; and how can they analyze these ubiquitous data and take advantage of the web squared world?

Three Things I learned from the article:

1. The concept of web squared world, how technology tries to reach with the reality. 

The two key factors in the web-squared world that are driving change: community (stretching network to the whole community) and immediacy (mix of human- and machine-created information).

3.  Users of technology nowadays are creating shadow-self online.  Data shadow makes it easy for information seekers to access needed information (say, through the use of a cellular data plan that suits the need of the user).

Application / Implication of what I've learned to my work/to me as a person:

I remember the film AI (Artificial Intelligence) that illustrated robots/androids manifesting human emotions.  In the advent of web squared technologies, anyone can infer that the emergence of AI technology would not be long enough. 

With the advancement of technology, information are increasing more and more creating more pressure to the librarians.  The best way to surpass these challenges is to take advantage of those technologies.  Many libraries now are using/exploring the Web 2.0 in their daily operations. In few more years, libraries will be able to find ways to fully utilize the emerging web squared technologies.  Through the help of libraries, information seekers will never be lost in the web squared world.


kit said…
So web squared is aslo synonymous to web 2.0. Im curious as to how and why they coined it as such...
JCY said…
Hi, Kit.. As I understand from the article, web squared is the next phase of web 2.0 technology. The main concept of Web squared technology is how the electronic/virtual world connects to reality -- like incorporating sensory chips to web squared gadgets.

While web 2.0 facilitates active participation between technology users, web squared technology aims to do the same plus another aspect of connecting technology to its users. :)

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