260 Reading Assignment : Internet implications to Libraries

The Impact of the Internet on the Public Library: Current Status and Signs for the Future / Jorgensen, C., et al.

Jorgensen, C., D'Elia, G., Woefel, J. & Rodger, E. J. (2001). The Impact of the Internet on the Public Library: Current Status and Signs for the Future. Canadian Association for Information Science. Retrieved from http://www.cais-acsi.ca/proceedings/2001/Jorgensen_c_2001.pdf on 9 July 2011.

The article discusses the status of public libraries in the community after the Internet is made available for daily use of the community.  Public libraries, being funded by the government, face more pressure to justify their existence in the community amidst the increasing users of the internet (a giant public library) compared to the library users.

Three possible outcomes can be speculated about the Internet and public libraries relationship: (1) Internet will complement those public library resources; (2) public libraries will continue to exist but with a revised mission and mix of services; (3) Internet will reduce the use of public libraries that will result to the eventual conclusion of public libraries.

Three Things I learned from the article:

1. Library resources are sought by users (rather than the Internet) on topics about local history and genealogy and ethnic history, and for kids fun readings. 

2.  With the increasing number of internet users, libraries should find time to reflect about their resources and services, address the disadvantages that users perceived in using library resources (slow, outdated, inconvenient).

3.  Internet can be a great market strategy for the libraries to attract patrons.  

Application / Implication of what I've learned to my work/to me as a person:

As an information seeker, I must admit that I find it more convenient to browse the Internet than to browse the bookshelves of the library.  But I never fail to consult the library especially for comprehensive researches.  

To date, it is evident that libraries are moving forward.  Libraries are taking advantage of technology/internet that once put their existence in danger. One good example is the use of e-resources.  Since these e-resources are evaluated by the librarians, users are more confident in using those data in their researches.  

I know libraries will find its way to fully utilize the technological development.  Technology should aid everyone, hence, it must not be regarded as an adversary but rather as a friend/companion.


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