260 Reading Assignment : Computer and Internet Security

Computer Attack Trends Challenge Internet Security / Allen Householder, Kevin Houle, and Chad Dougherty

Householder, A.; Houle, K.; Dougherty, C.; , "Computer attack trends challenge Internet security," Computer , vol.35, no.4, pp.5-7, Apr 2002
doi: 10.1109/MC.2002.1012422
URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=1012422&isnumber=21810

The article aims to raise awareness on the current trends in attack techniques and tools.  The article discussed the vulnerability of organizations relying on internet for its daily operations.  Dealing with the increasing phenomena of computer/internet attacks are not an easy task as it entails great effort, time and resources.

Three Things I learned from the article:

1. Computer/Internet attacks advances at the same rate as computer/internet development.  Attackers find their ways to obfuscate the antivirus software and intrusion detection systems.

2.  Worm is a self-propagating malicious code.  It can propagate rapidly within a system without the aid of the user/attacker of the system, unlike virus.  

3.  Internet is the best vehicle for system attacks.  As per article, attacks were reported in the hundreds of Mbps and up, which is more than enough to saturate nearly any system on the Internet.

Application / Implication of what I've learned to my work/to me as a person:

System attack incidents are doubling fast.  Even the most secured system can still be penetrated.  Working in state university, intensive monitoring must be observed to maintain the integrity of its systems. Installation of antivirus software may somehow help prevent these attacks.  

Everyone using the Internet must be informed about the possible attacks in their system and be cautionary for every action they perform.


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